Three Necessary Elements in Fish Feed Formulation

In the design of freshwater fish feed formulation, the main considerations are protein, vitamins and minerals. Protein: Protein is generally the first consideration in the formulation of nutritional element, fish needs twice or three times amount of protein than livestock, because of the poor ability of using carbohydrate, fish needs to consume part of the protein as a source of energy. Feed price is mainly determined by the level of protein, so the design of feed formula often firstly consider the level of crude protein, but attentions need to pay is considering the balance of digestible protein (DP) and amino acids more important, in addition to considering the level of crude protein. Vitamin : Fish has short intestinal , the type and quantity of bacteria is rare, so the synthesis ability of some vitamins is poor, a lot of vitamin need provided by the feed. Such as vitamin C is don't need to add in livestock and poultry feed material, but in fish feed do need, it can improv...