Cost of Starting a Fish Farm in Nigeria

To start a fish farm, you will have to invest as much money as possible depending on the size you want to start with, but it is advisable to start on a small scale before expanding as you acquire experience because catfish farming is a major investment operation that needs careful consideration before start up.
You will need capital for labour, land, pond construction, fish feed machines and all other operational costs. The commonest species of fish reared on fish farms in Nigeria is the cat fish and this write up summarizes the basics of cat fish rearing.
There are two divisions of catfish farming, that can be either operated separately or integrated into one process and these are the nursery fish farming and the grow out fish farming.
The grow out fish farming is dependent on the nursery because a farmer cannot grow fish without a nursery which involve the inducement of the female fish to lay eggs, which are then fertilized, incubated and hatched into little fishes known as fries.
The fries are then nurtured within a month into fingerlings which is the suitable size for grow out farming. The primary operation is in between the nursery and grow out operation and involves the nurturing of the four weeks within which they grow into post fingerlings, mini juveniles and juveniles.
These can be further nurtured for the next four to five months into grow out sizes or table sized fish suitable for sale and consumption. Like any other form of animal husbandry, fish farming can be risky because fish is very sensitive to manage and a little slip or error will hinder the growth of your fish and even death which will lead to a huge loss.
Fish farming has no by products like poultry so there is no extra or alternative form of making profits outside selling the fish itself. We also have the issue of competitive sales between fishermen and fish farmers; fish from the sea tastes better than fish grow in ponds and the cost of rearing fish makes the price of pond fish high. Where there are a good number of fishermen in the market, the demand for pond fish maybe low.
I forgot to mention that the cost of starting a fish farm is high, it I capital intensive when compared to poultry farming.
Remark: this article comes from



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