Fish Disease Treatment and Prevention Measure

Fish Disease Treatment Strategies

1.Treatment strategy of bacterial diseases

There are two kinds of bacterial diseases: bacterial hemorrhagic disease and bacterial Gill disease. Bacterial hemorrhagic disease is a common disease of freshwater fishes, in the early stage, mild bleeding symptoms will appear in both sides of the fish body and mouth, as well as the fin base and the upper and lower cheek, later it will find the bleeding in the fish body, some fish scales will appear erect phenomenon, fish belly will appear swollen phenomenon, this needs to be treated with drugs, can use the aerator to put chlorine such dags into water. Bacterial Gill disease, under normal circumstances, you can use Calcium lime to clear the fish pond, or add drag into fish feed.

2.Treatment strategies for parasitic diseases

For Ichthyophthirius disease, need to use special drag, and continuous to use 3 to 7 courses before they can completely eliminate. A mixture of pepper and ginger can also be poured into pond. Myxosporidiosis often occurrence in common carp, once get the disease, it will appear gray white cysts in gill, pectoral, ventral, caudal and other parts. In severe cases, tumor like cyst will appear in mine eyes, intestine and brain, can use Calcium lime or bleacher to clear the fish pond. For already sick fish, you can use the Junduke and iodine and other drag to cure.

3.Treatment strategies for viral diseases

In freshwater fish, grass carp is the most susceptible to viral hemorrhagic disease, once grass carp infected with viral hemorrhagic disease, its eyes, head and gill and other parts appear congestion, the whole body is dark black. For viral hemorrhagic disease, now it has not developed effective drugs, can only use lime and bleaching powder to disinfect fishpond and remove the pond sludge.

Fish Disease Preventive Measure & Control

Scientific stocking, raising the disease resistance of the fish body, control of the pathogen and the use of drugs and other measures.
Scientific stocking: the water should be adequate, clean, free from pollution, the physical and chemical characteristics of water should be suitable for fish habits. Therefore, water should be from the independent intake channels, fill the new water regularly, the water must not discharged into other ponds, to prevent the spread of fish diseases. A variety of fish polyculture can reduce the incidence of parasitic disease; dense stocking but not make the density too high can not only ensure the yield per unit area, but also prevent excessive contact with the fish from causing a highly contagious disease. Fish Feed should be qualitative, quantitative, positioning, timing, periodically check the fish season, eliminate weeds, bait, dead fish and parasite intermediate hosts, to prevent disease occurrence and spread. If you produce fish feed pellets yourself, please choose suitable feed formulation, and High Quality Fish Feed Machines.

Improving the disease resistance: Vaccine for fish, or immersing the fish body into vaccine liquid can make the fish body get immunity. Vaccine generally isolated from the diseased fish, pathogens was made after culture, inactivation and other processes. Sometimes grinding disease fish viscera, filter to the residue, inactivate filtrate. Through artificial selection or hybrid method to cultivate fish varieties with strong resistance to disease, it is a positive means of preventing fish diseases.

Control pathogen: Before stocking, farmers should drain the water, remove the bottom surface of the sun and remove the pool sludge, weeds etc., to eliminate pathogens and parasite oviposition sites. Can also sprinkle lime, bleaching powder, tea cake into fish pond for drug cleaning, disinfect the water weeds, manure, fish feed, farming tools and other places before use them. In order to prevent the spread of the international spread of pathogens, the import and export of fish to be quarantine. Regulations of the people's Republic of China on import and export of animal and plant quarantine and Interim Provisions on Quarantine of freshwater fish at the port Determined scope, object, method and processing method of quarantine, any of the pathogens causing serious harm to the fish but lack of effective methods of prevention and control, such as the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus from salmon and trout of, the Myxosoma cerebralis could cause rotation disease, etc. are listed as the main object of quarantine.

Administration of drugs: For the prevention and treatment of fish diseases are the main types of halogen(Bleaching powder, sodium chloride, iodine,etc.), Heavy metal salt(copper sulfate and ferrous sulfate, cupric chloride, potassium dichromate, etc.), sulfonamides (sulfadiazine, sulfathiazole, sulfonamides, etc.), furan (nitrofurazone, furan ketones, disable fishery drugs), organic phosphorus insecticide trichlorfon, etc.), antibiotics (penicillin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, erythromycin, etc.), Chinese herbal medicine (Sapium sebiferum, rhubarb, garlic, Euphorbia humifusa, iron, etc.), As well as other bactericidal effects(Malachite green and methylene blue dye, lime, sulfur, borax, Potassium Permanganate etc.).



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