How to Lower the Water Quality Pollution from Fish Feed

Currently, the intensive aquaculture industry has two obvious characteristics: high-density releasing fingerlings and feeding fish with a large quantity of artificial formula feed. As is well known, artificial compound aqua feed is the primary nutritional source of intensive aquaculture, however, the heavy use of manufactured fish feed is also one of main reasons that cause the pollution of aquatic water. In order to figure out the pollution problem of feed, people must control the source of pollution from a nutritional point of view, aiming at achieving the goal of green aquaculture.

Control the proportion of feed ingredients properly
When making the compound fish feed, some feed manufacturers always only consider the quantity demand for protein of aquatic culture animals, but they ignore the demand for energy of aquatic animals, adding plenty of fish meal would lead to high phosphorus and high nitrogen, becoming the major reason of pollution. So when designing fish feed formulation, they need to promote energy content of aqua feed and reduce protein content suitably, thereby alleviating the nitrogen pollution level caused by high protein nutrition.

Improve the biological value of protein 
The massive nitrogenous substance, excreted by aquatic animals, is also a main factor leading to water body environment pollution, and these nitrogenous substances mainly come from undigested crude protein and amino acid in fish feed. Thus, adopting ideal protein mode can improve the balance status of all kinds of amino acid in protein, enhance the biological utilization value of protein, effectively lower the level of crude protein in aquatic feed, promote the use ratio of nitrogen in feed, and reduce the excretion volume of nitrogen in excrement. This can not only save vast natural protein fish feed resource, but also ease the degree of nitrogen pollution to environment caused by intensive aquaculture.

Fair using addition agent
The fair use of some addition agent, to some extent, could improve the quality and flavor of fish feed, promote the ingestion of aquatic animals, increase operation rate of fish feed, and then mitigate the pollution degree to water body environment.

Improve processing technic
Fish feed producing technology (such as grinding, mixing, extruding and so on) can affect the avaliability of aquatic animals feed nutrient, so when producing fish feed, people should adopt the corresponding processing technologies to make high quality fish feed suitable for fish to eat and digest, according to the various life habits, diverse growth stage and physiological function of different kinds of fishes.
At present, it is the inevitable tendency for feeding stuff industry and aquaculture industry healthy growth by developing aqua feed with low pollution, and it is also the precondition to relieve the vicious circle between aquaculture and environment and produce pollution-free aquatic products. All in all, the application of fish feed with low pollution will become the development direction of aquaculture industry in future.

Choose advanced machine
The fish feed making machine plays a quite significant role in producing high quality fish feed without pollution. For example, aqua feed made by FANWAY fish feed extruder has the following several obvious advantages: high water stability, convenient to control feed density, uneasy to smash and more healthful.



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